Sunday, April 27, 2014

'Take a Chance on Me (Romance Collection)' by Pauline Baird Jones


Take a chance on romance with this collection of four short stories by an award-winning author…

Second Chance for the Sheik - Ellie fell in love with the son of a sheik and he broke her heart. Now he's back, but it’s not just her heart at risk this time....

Give Love a Chance - A Trapini and a Maloney have as much chance of getting together as a Hatfield or McCoy. But the heart wants what the heart wants…

Chance Encounter - What if you meet the right man at the wrong time? Lily was engaged and Theo was a stranger. Only he didn’t feel like a stranger…

Last Chance for Love - For Ric Hamilton, business came first, until he saw his beautiful PA dance the samba. And suddenly his first order of business was capturing her heart….

Read an excerpt:
“Miss Trapini.” 
Most people said her last name like it was a curse, but Conall didn’t, even though his family had been on the side of the law since they arrived on U.S. soil. Her family couldn’t find the legal side with a map and a magnifying glass—not that they’d tried. 
“Lieutenant Molony.” 
They both paused on their separate ends of the phone line. She wasn’t sure why. They just did. It was part of this thing they had going. If she could figure out what the “thing” was they had going, she could cut back on her chocolate therapy. Or not. It was such a freaking cliché to drown her sorrows in chocolate, but nothing else she’d tried worked like a good dose of chocolate. 
She closed her eyes, her hands clenched on the phone as she braced for what came next. 
“I was wondering if you’d be free to come in for a chat this afternoon.” 
When the “chats” started a couple of years back, Conall had offered to come to her apartment, but she’d said no. It was hard enough having him in her head, without having him in her apartment. And, even if she wasn’t in the family business, she was a Trapini. It didn’t look good to have a cop car parked outside the place for too long. Chats at a police station were, oddly enough, not a problem for her family. It was expected that she be familiar with the inside of a police station. 
“What time?” Even if she wasn’t free, it was better to agree. Conall had no problem sending a squad car for her. His little brother had a shiny new badge. Who better to practice on than a Trapini?

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Pauline Baird Jones had a tough time with reality from the get-go. After “schooling” from four, yes FOUR brothers, she knew that some people needed love and others needed shooting. Pauline figured she could do both. Romantic suspense was the logical starting point, but there were more worlds to explore, more rules to break and minds to bend. She grabbed her pocket watch and time travel device and dove through the wormhole into the world of science fiction and even some Steampunk.

Now she wanders among the genres, trying a little of this and a lot of that, rampaging through her characters' lives like Godzilla because she does love her peril (when it's not happening to her). Never fear, she gives her characters happy endings. Well, the good characters. The bad ones get justice.

Pauline released her 13th novel, Relatively Risky, in 2013. She's not superstitious about it, well, maybe a little. But the whole loving/killing thing that needs to be done? Doing it fictionally is just better for everyone. And for Pauline, who hates the thought of getting strip searched and jailed. Ahem.

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